Dogs have a talent for getting into things they shouldn’t. Whether it’s sneaking a bite of something off the counter or chewing on a random object they found, their curiosity can land them in serious trouble. The scary part? Some of the most dangerous things for dogs are right inside your home—hidden in plain sight.

Dog lovers always strive to keep their pups safe, but even the most attentive pet parents may not realize how many everyday household items are toxic. That’s why we’re breaking it all down—so you can keep your four-legged friend out of harm’s way.

Cleaning Products That Are More Toxic Than You Think

A diligent puppy sits next to a blue plastic bucket of cleaning products in the kitchen

A diligent puppy sits next to a blue plastic bucket of cleaning products in the kitchen.

Most household cleaners contain chemicals that are harmful to dogs. Even if they don’t lick them directly, inhaling fumes or walking on freshly cleaned floors can lead to poisoning.


Bleach is a strong irritant that can cause vomiting, drooling, and respiratory distress. If your dog licks a surface recently cleaned with bleach, they could experience chemical burns.

Disinfectant Wipes and Sprays

Many contain benzalkonium chloride, which can cause drooling, vomiting, and difficulty breathing if licked. Wiping down surfaces with these products and letting your dog near them too soon can be dangerous.

Toilet Bowl Cleaners

Dogs love drinking from the toilet (gross, but true). If you use automatic toilet bowl cleaners, your dog could be ingesting harmful chemicals that lead to severe gastrointestinal issues.

Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener

Pods, powders, and liquid detergents can cause foaming in the mouth, difficulty breathing, and vomiting. Fabric softeners contain cationic detergents, which can lead to severe burns in the mouth and throat.

Oven and Drain Cleaners

Highly corrosive, these products can cause chemical burns inside the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Keep these locked away and never let your dog near treated areas until completely rinsed.

Medications That Can Kill Your Dog

Dog waiting to take prescription medication pills

Dog waiting to take prescription medication pills.

It’s easy to think, “If it’s safe for me, it must be safe for my dog.” But human medications are one of the leading causes of pet poisoning.

Pain Relievers (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Naproxen)

These common medications can cause kidney failure, stomach ulcers, and liver damage. Even one pill can be lethal.


Some antidepressants can cause extreme sedation, agitation, tremors, or seizures in dogs. Keep all medications in secure containers, well out of reach.

Cold and Allergy Medications

Many cold and allergy meds contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine, which can cause high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and seizures in dogs.

Prescription Medications (ADHD, Heart, and Blood Pressure Drugs)

These are designed for humans, not dogs. Beta-blockers, amphetamines, and other common medications can be deadly even in tiny amounts.

Personal Care and Beauty Products That Are NOT Dog-Friendly

Cute Beagle dog with shower supplies on table in bathroom

Cute Beagle dog with shower supplies on table in bathroom.

From skincare to hair products, your bathroom is filled with items that could harm your pup.

Essential Oils

Many essential oils are toxic to dogs, especially tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and citrus oils. Ingestion or inhalation can cause vomiting, weakness, and difficulty breathing.

Lotions and Sunscreens

Some lotions contain zinc oxide, which is toxic if ingested. Sunscreens with PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and damage to red blood cells.

Deodorant and Perfume

Many contain alcohol, which can cause poisoning if licked. Some also have harmful chemicals that can irritate a dog’s skin or stomach.

Hair Dye and Nail Polish Remover

These products contain chemicals like ammonia and acetone, which can cause serious poisoning if ingested or inhaled. Never apply human beauty products to your pet.

Plants That Could Make Your Dog Sick

Naughty Beagle dog with torn pillows, toilet paper rolls and overturned houseplant

Naughty Beagle dog with torn pillows, toilet paper rolls and overturned houseplant.

Your indoor or outdoor plants may add beauty to your home, but some could spell disaster for your pup.

Lilies (Especially for Cats, but Some Are Harmful to Dogs Too!)

While more toxic to cats, some lilies can cause stomach upset and drooling in dogs.

Aloe Vera

Great for humans, bad for dogs. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors if ingested.

Sago Palm

Every part of this plant is toxic. Ingestion can cause liver failure and death.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Even small amounts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and heart issues.

Tulips and Daffodils

The bulbs are especially toxic, causing severe stomach upset and even heart problems.

Pesticides, Fertilizers, and Rodent Poisons

Great Dane breed lies in the green grass

Great Dane breed lies in the green grass.

Slug and Snail Bait

These contain metaldehyde, which can cause tremors, seizures, and even death.

Rat and Mouse Poisons

Many contain anticoagulants that cause internal bleeding. Others contain neurotoxins that can lead to seizures.

Lawn Fertilizers and Weed Killers

Chemicals in fertilizers can irritate a dog’s skin and stomach. If your pup rolls in treated grass and licks their paws, they could ingest harmful toxins.

Foods That Can Send Your Dog to the ER

Cute Labrador dog and cookies against wooden table

Cute Labrador dog and cookies against wooden table.

Some foods seem harmless but can be deadly for dogs. Here are a few that should never end up in their bowl:


Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both of which are toxic to dogs. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are the worst offenders, but even milk chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures.

Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)

This sugar substitute lurks in sugar-free products, peanut butter, and some baked goods. Even a tiny amount can cause a rapid insulin spike, leading to dangerously low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure, and even death.

Grapes and Raisins

No one is exactly sure why grapes and raisins are toxic, but they can cause sudden kidney failure in dogs. Symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

Onions and Garlic

These kitchen staples damage red blood cells, leading to anemia. Whether raw, cooked, powdered, or in a sauce, they’re all dangerous for dogs.

Macadamia Nuts

Just a few macadamia nuts can make a dog weak, wobbly, and sick to their stomach. In severe cases, it can lead to tremors and hyperthermia.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Both can cause serious issues, including vomiting, tremors, heart problems, and even coma. Even a small amount of beer, wine, coffee, or soda can be dangerous.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Poisoned

man holding dog while calling vet

Man holding dog while calling vet.

If you think your dog has ingested something toxic, act fast.

  • Call Your Vet Immediately – Time is critical. Describe what your dog ate and how much.
  • Contact a Pet Poison Helpline – Call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or the Pet Poison Helpline at (855) 764-7661.
  • Do NOT Induce Vomiting Unless Directed – Some substances, like drain cleaner, can cause more damage if vomited.
  • Bring the Packaging – If you’re heading to the vet, bring the product’s packaging so they can see the ingredients.

Keep Your Dog Safe

Little dog with owner spend a day at the park playing and having fun

Little dog with owner spend a day at the park playing and having fun.

Dogs rely on us to keep them safe. By knowing what’s toxic and keeping dangerous items out of reach, you can prevent a heartbreaking emergency. Take a walk through your home today and check for hazards. Your pup’s health depends on it!

Have a pet poisoning scare? Share your story in the comments to help other dog parents stay informed!