Owning a pet is an amazing experience. However, caring for a living thing means that you have to deal with all of the realities that come along with real life! Many new dog owners are not prepared for the hassle of cleaning up after their dogs. Like other animals, dogs handle their business outside. Training a dog to go outside is one of the most challenging tasks that many new pet-owners are faced with. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can take into consideration to prevent unwanted messes and unpleasant surprises. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Don’t Underestimate the Importance of a Steady Feeding Schedule

Timed feedings help you determine the exact time that your dog will need to relieve itself. Dogs take a minimum of 10 hours to produce their waste from the time they’re done eating. Knowing this allows you to train your dog to handle their call of nature in a designated place. With repetition, this becomes a routine for the dog, which means that you can cut back on the frequency of letting your dog out.

  • When You Bring Your Dog Outside, Go to the Same Spot

This tip is just another part of following a routine. When you take your dog out for a walk, try to do it at specific times every day and ensure that you pass through the same road and pause at the same spots every time. Thanks to their strong sense of smell, dogs can pinpoint the location they had previously relieved themselves, which could help encourage them to go.

  • Remember to Encourage Your Dog

Dogs are intelligent animals, and they respond well to praise after they have done something commendable. Create a habit of giving your dog a small treat every time they relieve themselves at their designated spots outside. They will associate the reward with proper elimination.

  • Count On Friends or Family Members

Life happens, and sometimes other engagements may keep you away from your dog. However, dogs are creatures of habit. No matter how your routine changes, you should try to keep things as steady as possible for your dog. The best way to ensure that there are no interruptions is by having someone your dog knows and trusts carry out walks when you are not available.

  • Make Sure Your Dog is Getting Enough Exercise

When your dog’s body is fit, everything runs smoothly, and this includes the digestion process. Regular exercise burns up energy which in turn speeds up the rate of digestion. Complications like constipation and indigestion will most likely occur with less frequency when your dog is getting enough exercise.

  • Bonus tip: Remember, Patience is Key!

Your dog will not become trained overnight. Potty-training is a process that takes a lot of time and patience, both from your dog and from you. No matter how many frustrations you experience, remember to not take them out on your dog. In time and with the proper encouragement, you are sure to attain potty-training perfection.