Cilantro is a divisive herb among humans. While some people love it, others count it among their most hated foods. Your dog may have a strong opinion on cilantro as well. But should dogs even be eating cilantro in the first place? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Although cilantro is safe for dogs to consume, large amounts may upset their stomach.

Although cilantro is safe for dogs to consume, large amounts may upset their stomach. There is also the risk of allergy. 

What is Cilantro?

Cilantro is a flavorful herb that is commonly used in the curries, stews, and salads of many cuisines. It is also known as coriander, dhania, or Chinese parsley. Cilantro is a healthy herb for humans and is full of many antioxidants.

Can Dogs Eat Cilantro?

The digestive system of dogs is much more sensitive than that of humans. Many herbs that are easily consumed by humans cannot be consumed by dogs as they may cause stomach irritation or worse. It is acceptable to feed your dog cilantro, though it should only be done in moderation. You can feed your dog cilantro by adding it to their food or treats.

Note that there is a possibility your dog could be allergic to cilantro. Before making it a regular food, you should give small amounts to your dog and observe any reactions. If your dog shows unusual behavior after eating cilantro, discontinue the feeding and consult a veterinarian.

Health Benefits of Cilantro For Dogs

Cilantro is a good source of vitamins. It is often eaten raw by humans for its health benefits. Cilantro is non-toxic to dogs and may actually be good for them. Some of the nutrients found in cilantro include:

  • Vitamin K, which aids in the development of creative tissue, blood vessels, and the regeneration of the skin.
  • Calcium, which helps in the development of dental health, healthy bones, and blood clotting.
  • Iron, which helps in the development of red blood cells and the movement of oxygen.
  • Magnesium, which is important for neurotransmission and the regulation of metabolism.