Grooming your dog has several purposes. Not only does it keep your dog’s coat clean and shiny, but it also works to prevent tangles and matting. Grooming also helps to maintain the health of your dog’s skin by distributing vital hair oils. Grooming your dog goes beyond cosmetic purposes. A lack of grooming can actually result in health problems for your dog, including knots in the fur that can trap moisture and other substances, leading to itching or even infection. Although it does require some level of skill, it is possible to groom your dog yourself with the right attitude and know-how.

How Often Should I Groom My Dog?

The interval between grooming sessions varies between breeds, depending on the type and length of the coat. Short coats require less grooming compared to medium and long coats, as knotting is easier for long coats. Regardless of the interval, only brush your dog as is needed. In the case of puppies, you have to take the time and have the patience to teach him or her how to enjoy grooming. This preparation will also help with preparing your puppy for medical examinations by the vet.

Should I Enlist the Services of a Professional?

With the proper research and training, it is possible to groom your dog yourself. The parts that require your attention are the paws, nails, ears, teeth, eyes, and the coat. If you are training a puppy, then you can associate grooming with a reward such as a treat. If you are not sure about any of this, then ask for advice from the vet on the best practices.

Grooming Your Dog At Home

While starting out, you can choose to explore outdoor or indoor bathing. Some dogs will be more comfortable when bathing outside. However, this is obviously not practical for people living in cooler climates. If you are fortunate enough to be able to groom your dog outside, you can use a low-pressure hose with lukewarm water. If you do it indoors, you can use a dog tub with a hose attached, or a regular tub.


If grooming your dog seems too overwhelming, you can get a professional to do it for you. There are obvious benefits to having a professional groomer. Professionals have the right tools for handling dogs, as opposed to the equipment that you may have at home. Many groomers are very experienced and have the ability to deal with a variety of dog breeds.