Cranberries are popular for their delicious flavor and health benefits, at least for human beings. However, what if little Fido wants a taste of your dried cranberries? Are cranberries poisonous to dogs? Can cranberries hurt dogs? The answer is yes and no at the same time. Like other human foods, a little amount of it would probably not hurt your dog, but too much could make your dog sick, maybe even gravely so. 

A small amount of cranberries would probably not hurt your dog, but too much could make your dog sick, maybe even gravely so. 

Can I Give My Dogs Fresh Cranberries? 

It is okay to give your dog both fresh and dried cranberries. Keep in mind, though, that it may or it may not be a welcome treat. How much cranberry can you give a dog? Not too much because if you overdo it, you run the risk of the dog suffering from an upset stomach. 

If you go for dried cranberries, have a care that they do not contain other fruits that are toxic. Raisins are an example of an extremely toxic fruit to dogs that may be included with dried cranberries. In addition, you want to avoid juices and cranberry dishes and sauce, which may contain grape juice that is potentially risky. Other substances that may be toxic include alcohol and sugar.

What About UTIs?

Cranberries are often touted for the acting benefits against UTIs in humans. It seems that some people have extended the belief to dogs. So far, there is no proof that it works that way, which is why veterinarians do not encourage it as a supplement. In fact, feeding too many cranberries to your dog can actually have a negative affect. A particular risk of too many cranberries is the formation of calcium oxalate in the bladder of dogs.